The purpose of this guide is to walk you through the Support match screen and its various features. This screen is where you can explore a tailored list of organisations offering support schemes that match your client’s profile and circumstances.

Note: The Support Match screen will only be accessible once your client’s profile is fully completed. If you haven’t completed the profile yet, please refer to the profile completion guide.

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Overview of the Support match screen

The Support match screen is designed to help you find support that aligns with your client’s needs. Here’s what you’ll see:

At the top of the screen, there is a “What are you looking for?” search bar. If you know the name of the organisation or type of support you’re seeking, simply start typing, and the list will filter automatically to match your query.

Campaign-specific matches

When campaigns are active, such as the Winter Warmth Network (WWN) during colder months, you’ll see organisations related to those campaigns featured at the top of the list. These matches are highlighted to help you quickly identify seasonal or special support schemes.

Types of matches

Scrolling down, you’ll see a list of support schemes divided into two main categories:

Full matches (partnered grants)

  • These organisations have partnered directly with Lightning Reach.
  • Applications can be completed entirely within the portal.
  • Look for the Continue button on these listings to begin and manage the application process from start to finish without needing to leave the Lightning Reach portal.

Lite matches

  • These are organisations that haven’t directly partnered with Lightning Reach.
  • Instead of a Continue button, you’ll see a Go to website button. Clicking this will redirect you to the organisation’s website, where you can find contact details, additional information, and application instructions. These are handled outside of Lightning Reach. 

Features and tools on the Support Match screen

Saving or hiding matches

  • Save: Click the star icon next to a match to save it for later. Saved matches will appear at the top of the page under the Saved section, making it easier to revisit them when you have more time.
  • Hide: Click the eye icon to hide matches that are not relevant for your client. Hidden matches will no longer appear in the list.

Tip: If you’ve hidden a match by mistake, scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Hidden matches section. Here, you can unhide any previously hidden matches.

Benefits calculator

The benefits calculator is a tool that helps assess which benefits a client may be entitled to claim. If enabled during profile setup by selecting the option to check benefits entitlement, it will appear within the Support match screen.

Key features include:

  • Free to use 
  • Anonymous – All details provided remain confidential.
  • Integrated with Lightning Reach – Works alongside existing support services to provide a streamlined experience.

Support workers can access the calculator directly via Better Off Calculator.

The Better Off Calculator is suitable for most people permanently living in the UK. However, it is not designed for individuals who are in hospital, residential care, on strike, or in prison. Calculations should be treated as a helpful estimate, as accuracy depends on the information entered. The calculator is owned and operated by Policy in Practice.

Support schemes and the application process

The applications process often draws directly from the client’s profile to save time. However, some applications may require additional, specialised information, such as financial information.

Full matches (partnered support schemes)

For support schemes partnered with Lightning Reach:

  • The entire application process is streamlined within the portal.
  • Depending on the application, you may need to provide financial information for the client. For more details, view the following article: Providing financial evidence
  • You can track the status of the application from the my dashboard screen. 

Lite matches (external support schemes)

For Lite Matches:

  • Applications must be completed outside of Lightning Reach. 
  • These matches provide a Go to website button that redirects you to the organisation for further action. 

Common questions about support schemes

What types of support are available?

Support can include financial aid, energy support, household items, or other types of assistance tailored to your client’s profile.

Do I need to provide financial information? 

Some applications will request financial information for your client. View the following article for more details: Providing financial evidence

Support schemes requesting additional information

For full matches, the partner organisation will sometimes request additional information to support the application.

These detail of these requests will be shared with the support worker in two ways:

  • Email notification: The support worker will receive an email outlining what additional information is required.
  • Application banner: When the support worker logs into the portal and opens the application by clicking "continue", a banner will appear at the top of the relevant section to indicate what needs to be provided

Example email: 

Example of the banner found within the relevant section of the application: 

 You can view more details on the my dashboard overview guide.

Resetting eligibility for ineligible applications

For organisations that use both support workers and support schemes on the portal, there may be instances where a support worker applies to their own organisation's scheme and the application is marked as ineligible (e.g., due to errors in completing the form). In such cases:

  • The support worker has the ability to reset the eligibility of the application.
  • Resetting eligibility allows the support worker to start the application again.

Steps to reset eligibility:

1. Access the Application Manager

  • Navigate to the dashboard or the Client manager.
  • Click Application manager in the top navigation bar (see screenshot).

2. Locate the Relevant Client

  • Inside the Application Manager, select Support worker clients from the left-hand menu.
  • This will display a list of clients similar to the Client Manager.
  • Select the relevant client’s name to open their profile.

3. Reset the Ineligible Application

  • In the client’s profile, scroll down to the Applications section.
  • Locate the application marked as Ineligible.
  • Click the three horizontal dots next to the application, then select Reset (see screenshot).

4. Return to the Client Manager

  • Once the eligibility has been reset, you can return to the Client manager.
  • The quickest way to do this is by selecting Support worker login from the left-hand menu.

5. Reapply for the Support Scheme

  • Navigate to either Support match or Quick apply, depending on the support scheme.
  • Start the application afresh.

What's next?

Depending on the type of support you’ve applied for, you can track progress within the my dashboard area. 

For any light matches, you can record these separately, they are accessed via the Applicant manager area. For details on this, view the guide: Recording outcomes

Previous articles

If you’d like to revisit a previous topic, click on one of the following:

My Dashboard Overview

- Client Manager Guide

- Logging In

Need further assistance?

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]