[email protected]

This guide is for organisations referring individuals for support, including via support workers. The dashboard displays data on users accessing the portal through your referral links and how your staff assist them via Lightning Reach.

This guide explains the dashboard, covering key data points, their meanings, and tips for interpretation. For suggestions on additional data points or any feedback, please contact your Client Success Manager or email [email protected].

Referral links

Important: Without a referral link, users won’t be linked to your organisation, meaning their activity won’t be tracked in your reporting. Referral links are fundamental for monitoring engagement and demonstrating impact of your marketing campaigns. For further information on referral links, view the following guide.

Accessing the reporting dashboard

To access your dashboard:

  1. Log in to the admin portal at https://admin.lightningreach.org/login.
  2. Click Reports in the left-hand menu.
  3. Your organisation's dashboard will then load. 

Important Note: The dashboard processes large amounts of data, so it may take a few minutes to load. It works best in Google Chrome.

If you’re unable to access the dashboard, contact us at [email protected] for assistance.

For common errors and troubleshooting, click here

Main dashboard sections

The dashboard is divided into six main sections. Click any of the sections below to be taken to that area:

  1. Main dashboard 
  2. Monthly figures
  3. Demographics
  4. Activity by referral link

Each section provides specific data points to help your organisation understand data for your support applications (if applicable). 

Understanding the data

The dashboard is split into several sections. Below is an overview of the key data points you’ll see.

Key terminology

  • Lite match: A support scheme that users are signposted to on the portal and must apply for externally. Users who engage with lite matches are those who click the “Go to website” link next to a match.
  • Direct match/application: A support scheme that users can apply for directly through the Lightning Reach portal.

1. Main dashboard

The main dashboard shows the number of individuals who have accessed the portal through referral links and tracks the steps they’ve taken to find support. For further details on referral links, view this guide

Lives touched

This section shows how many individuals have accessed the portal and engaged with support.

Individuals reachedThe total number of individuals who accessed the portal via referral links or support workers (e.g., 194k).
Completed profilesThe number of users who completed their profiles and activated their accounts (e.g., 115k).
Found supportThe number of users who found support by matching with at least one lite match (e.g., 115k).
Engaged with supportThe number of users who clicked on a match, applied for a grant, or completed a benefits check (e.g., 92.1k).
User conversion rates

The percentages represent the conversion rate at each stage of the process.

For example:

84.5%: The proportion of individuals who completed their profiles after accessing the portal.

98.9%: The proportion of users with completed profiles who found support.

80.7%: The proportion of users who found support and then engaged with support.

This breakdown highlights how users progress from one step to the next, giving a clear view of engagement at each stage.

Total awards to usersThe total value of direct and lite matches awarded to users (e.g., £19.2M).

Direct match: A user has applied and received an award through the Lightning Reach portal.

Estimated lite match: A user has clicked on support that they need to apply for externally to the portal. We use survey data to estimate the value of support they're likely to have received.

Reported lite match: A support worker has reported the outcome of a scheme that they applied for externally to the portal.

Important: To ensure the accuracy of estimated and reported light matches, please report outcomes of applications made to these organisations.

For more details, view our guide on rewarding outcomes.

Support identified

This section provides a summary of the help received by your clients on the Lightning Reach platform.

Average number of schemes matched per userThe average number of schemes that users are matched with (e.g., 27.71).
Average number of schemes engaged with per userThe average number of schemes users actively engage with. This includes users who clicked on a match, applied for a grant, or completed a benefits check (e.g., 1.33).
Users clicked on lite matchesThe number of users who clicked on a lite match link (e.g., 52.8k).
Estimated value of lite match clicksThe total estimated value of support accessed through lite matches (e.g., £3.85M).
Direct applications submittedThe number of direct applications submitted through the portal by those you've referred (e.g., 31.2k).
Awarded via direct applicationsThe total value of awards granted via direct applications (e.g., £13.7M).
Average award per recipientThe average value awarded per user (e.g., £502.3).

You can also see a breakdown of direct application awards by type, such as energy and utilities, food and essential items, and more.

Benefits checks

This section shows the benefits users are entitled to and how much they could receive, including any benefits they already receive.

Users who have completed a benefits checkThe number of users who completed a benefits check (e.g., 12.3k).
Total value of benefits identifiedThe total estimated value of benefits users are eligible for (e.g., £14.4M).

Time taken

This section displays the time it takes users to complete their profiles and applications, as well as the time to decision.

Median time to complete profileThe average time it takes users to complete their profiles (e.g., 13 minutes).
Median time to complete applicationThe average time it takes users to complete a direct application (e.g., 17 minutes).
Median time to decision applicationThe average time from application submission to decision (e.g., 34 days).

How users found Lightning Reach

This section shows how users are finding the platform through referral links.

Referral links usedA breakdown of the different referral links users used to access the portal.
Self-serve vs support worker splitThis shows the split between users applying directly (self-serve) and those assisted by support workers.

For further information on referral links, view the following guide.

2. Monthly figures 

This section shows monthly trends in user activity and engagement with the portal.

Users by monthTracks the number of users who have signed up and those who have completed their profiles.
Value of awards by monthDisplays the total amount of support awarded to users each month.
Benefits checks by monthThis metric reflects when a benefits check was created, not when it was accessed via Support match.
Matches clicked by monthTracks the number of lite matches users have clicked on.

Tip: Below each graph, there is a smaller interactive graph (the blue area). You can adjust this graph by dragging the edges to change the timeframe for the data displayed. This allows you to focus on a specific period of time, helping you analyse trends more easily.

3. Demographics 

The demographics overview provides insights into the different types of users being referred by you to Lightning Reach. This section covers various user demographics. This data is obtained from what is completed in the profile. 

Note: Some sections, like areas of financial need, allow users to select multiple answers. Other sections, such as age or gender, only allow one answer per user.

This section shows user outcomes based on the referral link a user clicked to access Lightning Reach. 

Users may access the portal through multiple referral links. As a result, a single user’s activity can be counted under more than one row in this table. This is why the sum of "total active users" can be greater than the total active users shown in other parts of the dashboard.

Tip: Use this table to identify which referral sources are driving the most user engagement and successful outcomes. This can help inform future outreach and marketing strategies. For more details on using referral links, view the following guide

Troubleshooting & FAQs

If you encounter any issues with the dashboard, here are some common error messages and solutions.

Common errors

Error messageDescriptionSolution
Timeout error or blank pageThis happens when the dashboard takes too long to load.Refresh your browser or click the three dots in the top right corner of the box and select "Force Refresh."
No data availableThis appears if there’s no data to display for the selected time period.Adjust the filters or check back later for updated data.

What's next?

Click on the below links to view the following articles: 

Go back to: Reporting overview

Need further assistance?

If you need any help, please contact us at [email protected]