This guide provides a complete overview of the application manager and its functionality as an administrator. If you’re looking to log in, please refer to this article for further instructions.

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What is the application manager?

As an admin, the Application manager is your main landing page when logging in. It provides a variety of tools to help you manage applications, oversee your team, and access additional resources. The relevance of these tools depends on your organisation's use of the platform. 

Organisations with support workers only

These organisations, have support workers who create profiles and submit applications on behalf of their clients.

  • Admin responsibilities: The Team section is the key tool, allowing admins to invite and manage support workers and organise teams. You may also use the Reporting area if this is enabled for your organisation.
  • Less relevant tools: Other sections, such as Application Manager, ID Checks, Developer Tools, and Configuration, are not typically used by these organisations.

Organisations with support schemes live on the portal

These organisations provide grants, advisory schemes, or other direct support through the platform.

  • Admin responsibilities: Admins use most tools, including:
    • Application Manager – to oversee applications.
    • Team - to invite and manage your caseworkers on the portal.
    • ID Checks – to verify applicant identities.
    • Reports – to analyse data relevant to your support schemes.
    • Developer Tools – to integrate or customise features.
    • Configuration – to manage your support schemes.

Organisations with both support schemes and support workers

These organisations, such as councils, combine the features of the two groups above.

  • Admin responsibilities: Admins use all tools available in the admin area to:
    • Manage support schemes.
    • Oversee applications.
    • Organise and invite new team members (support workers/caseworkers) to the portal.

Overview of each area


The Team section allows administrators to manage team members, such as:

  • Adding or removing caseworkers and support workers.
  • Assigning roles and permissions.

For detailed guidance, refer to the team management article.


The Reports section allows you to generate and review data reports for your organisation. We have some reporting guides coming soon.


The Configuration area allows organisations with support schemes on the portal to manage these schemes.

This self-service option enables you to take control of your schemes without needing to rely on our team for updates or changes. For detailed guidance on how this area works and its functionality, please refer to the configuration article.

Application manager

The Application manager is the first option on the left-hand side of the platform. This area is primarily used by caseworkers who manage applications made for support by individuals and support workers.

The application manager allows you to:

  • View and filter applications.
  • Use filter by category to narrow down the list of applications.
  • Search for applicants by name or reference number.
  • Perform bulk actions on multiple applications simultaneously.

For more details on processing applications, statuses, and bulk actions, refer to the following caseworker articles:

Note: Administrators typically oversee this area but may not directly process applications.

ID checks

The ID checks area provides an overview of ID verifications completed for applicants.

  • Relevant organisations: This feature is applicable to organisations that process grants and have ID checks enabled. Need help? Contact [email protected] 
  • Non-applicable organisations: Organisations that solely use support workers do not utilise this feature.

If you are viewing an individual application, refer to this article for detailed guidance. You can see the ID check status for the applicant, provided they have consented to the verification.

Developer tools

The Developer tools section allows you to manage advanced settings, including API keys and webhooks.

This is a specialised area that may not be relevant for most organisations. We will have a guide on this area coming soon. 

What's next?

Click on the below links to view the following articles: 

Need further assistance?

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]