This is a guide for if your client already has a Lightning Reach account and you need access to manage and create applications on their behalf. If you’re looking to log in, please refer to this article for further instructions.

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What is shared access?

Shared Access allows a support worker to assist a client by gaining access to a client’s pre-exisiting account on the Lightning Reach platform. You can view the profile that your client has completed, as well as any applications they submitted.

Why use shared access? 

Shared access is valuable in situations where the support worker:

  • Helps manage applications: Support workers can make applications on behalf of the client or monitor ongoing ones.
  • Tracks progress: They can view both existing applications the client has started prior to Shared Access and any new applications.`
  • Empowering clients: Shared Access also supports clients in managing their own applications. Your clients can complete applications independently, and keep track of ongoing applications while still having the you available for guidance if needed. This can help clients feel more engaged and in control of their application process. 

Requesting shared access: 

1. First, log in to the portal:

2. Once logged in, go to the Application manager at the top right of the Support Worker Client Manager screen.

You'll then be asked to re-enter your password and do the multi-factor authentication again. 

3. Next, click on Access requests.

4. On this screen, you will see all pending and approved shared access requests. To request access to a new client’s account, click Request account access.


5. On the next screen, enter your client's email and click Send email. This will send an email to your client, asking them to accept the access request.

Once the email has been sent, the access request will appear in the Access requests area with a status of Pending. At this point, advise your client to look out for an email from [email protected].

Note: There is no expiry date for pending requests. If needed, you can delete a pending request by clicking the trash icon under Actions.


7. You can keep track of approval status in the Access requests area mentioned previously. Once access has been granted, you will then see the below within the Access Requesta area confirming it is shared. 

Once the request is approved, your client’s account will appear in the Support worker client manager shown below. This is the area you access when logging in as a support worker. 

Deleting a shared access

To delete Shared Access, go to the Access requests area and click the trash icon under Actions. This will remove the shared access, so the account no longer appears in your Support worker client manager view.

What's next?

If you're looking on what to do next, check out the next article: My Dashboard Overview 

or go back to the Client Manager Guide

Need further assistance?

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]