This guide will walk you through managing teams. We'll cover creating new teams, assigning members, and editing existing teams. If you’re looking to log in, please refer to this article for further instructions.

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What are teams?

Teams is a feature within the Application manager that allows organisations to group team members into teams. For example, those in teams, can only have access to only certain applications or clients. This feature makes it easier to organise tasks, manage sensitive data, and improve collaboration among team members.

For example:

  • Regional teams: A local council might set up teams by region, such as "North-East" and "North-West," to efficiently manage area-specific support.
  • Role-based teams: A Housing Support Association with might have separate teams for "Housing Support Officers" and "Welfare Officers," ensuring each team only accesses relevant clients and data.

Why use teams?

Creating and using teams can offer some essential advantages for managing work within your organisation. Here’s why teams are valuable:

  • Protect client privacy
    Manage and restrict data access to authorised team members, ensuring client information remains secure.
  • Comply with GDPR
    Establishing teams aids in fulfilling GDPR requirements by maintaining control over who accesses sensitive client data.
  • Ensure coverage and continuity
    Team members can take over workload on behalf of colleagues who are away, ensuring uninterrupted workflows.
  • Streamline task assignment
    Teams allow for efficient delegation of tasks and responsibilities, reducing workload gaps and promoting organised support workflows.

Team visibility rules

For support workers who find and apply for support on behalf of their clients

  • Assigned to a team:
    Supportworkers within the same team can view each other’s clients. They cannot view clients from other teams unless they are assigned to that team.

  • Not assigned to a team:
    Support workers who are not assigned to any team have access to all clients, this could be useful for admins/managers who require oversight of all clients.

For caseworkers who manage applications to your organisation

  • Assigned to a team:
    When setting up teams for caseworkers, organisations can configure which specific schemes each team will have access to. This ensures that access to applications is tailored to the needs of the team and their assigned responsibilities.

  • Not assigned to a team:
    Caseworkers not assigned to any team have access to all applications, this could be useful for admins/managers who require oversight of all clients.

Creating and assigning to teams

1. First, log in to application manager at 

2. Click on Team in the left-hand menu.   

3. From there, click Teams.   


Viewing current teams 

On the next screen, you’ll see a list of teams displayed on the left side:

  • Team List
    Each team name appears with a number beside it, showing the total number of team members. e.g "Team one" with (4) members. 

  • View Team Members
    Click any team name to see a list of its members, their email and assigned roles. For more details on roles, view this article

How to create a new team

1. Click the "+ Create new team" button

• Navigate to the Team section in the application manager.

• Click on the blue + Create new team button.

2. Fill out the team details

  • • A pop-up window will appear for creating your team.

  • •  Assign a Team name (this is a mandatory field).

  • •  Optionally, you can assign Team members during this step, or you can create the team without adding members initially.

3. Set access to support schemes (if applicable)

  • •  If your organisation has live support schemes available on the Lightning Reach portal, you can configure which schemes the team will have access to.

  • • Tick the relevant support schemes that apply to this team. This is particularly useful for caseworkers managing applications for specific schemes.

4. Confirm the creation

• Once the mandatory fields are completed, click the Confirm button to finalise the creation of the team.

Editing an existing team

1. Click the "Edit team" button

• Navigate to the Team section in the Application manager.

• Locate the team you want to modify and click the Edit team button next to it.

2. Update team details

  • In the Edit Team window, you can:
    • •  Change the Team name.
    • • Add or remove Team members.
    • • Adjust the team’s access to support schemes by selecting or deselecting the relevant options.

  1. 3. Save your changes

    • Once all updates have been made, click Confirm to save your changes.

Note: If you need to delete the team entirely, you can use the Delete team button at the bottom of the window.

Assigning team members to existing teams

1. Navigate to the "All Users" tab

  • In the Team section of the application manager, click on the All Users tab.
  • Find the team member you want to edit and click the Edit button next to their name.

2. Modify team assignments

  • • The Edit User panel will appear on the right side of the screen.
  • Under the Teams section:
    • • To add the team member to a team, click in the empty field and select the relevant team(s) from the dropdown list. 

    • • You can assign a team member to multiple teams if needed.

    • • To remove the team member from a team, click the X next to the team name.

  1. 3. Save your changes

    • • After making your updates, click Submit to save the changes.

Note: If you need to revoke all access for a team member, you can use the Remove access button at the bottom of the panel.

What's next?

Click on the below links to view the following articles:

Need further assistance?

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]