In order for your application to be reviewed, you’ll need to provide details of your financial situation. This would usually mean sharing 3 months bank statements from any adult that contributes financially to the household.
If you are currently living in an abusive household or it would put you at risk of harm to request access to bank statements, you can bypass this section by selecting "no" where you are asked to connect your accounts. You will then be asked to upload a document. If you are unable to upload a bank statement document, please upload an empty document to pass to the next stage.
If you can provide this information, it may allow us to process your application faster.
We encourage you to provide as much detail as you feel comfortable and safe sharing. Here is how to complete the banking section of your application to ensure none else in your household will be notified:
When asked, Do you live in a household with other adults that contribute financially? or Do you have a partner?
Select ‘yes’.
Household details
Complete with as much detail as you feel safe sharing. For example you may prefer to use initials.
Invite this household member to provide financial evidence?
Select ‘Provide their financial evidence now’
You can then proceed to the next page and provide your own financial information. If you do not have access to any bank accounts, you should upload whatever documents you have that best describes your financial situation.
Additional comments
Describe your situation, explaining what details are missing from your application and why. Your safety is our priority, anything you tell us is shared only with the organisation you are applying to. Please don’t share any information that might put you at risk.
If you do not choose to invite your partner / household member to provide evidence, they will not be notified of your application.
If you need any technical assistance completing your application, please contact [email protected]
If you are in a dangerous situation due to violence in your home support is available from the following organisations
Refuge supports women, children and men experiencing domestic violence with a range of services.
Freephone: 0808 2000 247 (24 hour helpline 7 days a week)
Contact form:
Women's Aid supports survivors of domestic abuse, friends and families, and professionals who are in contact with domestic violence survivors.
Live Online Chat: 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 12noon Saturday
Email: [email protected]
For EMERGENCY calls to police, ambulance, fire brigade and rescue services. If you are in danger and unable to talk on the phone, call 999 and listen to the questions from the operator and, if you can, respond by coughing or tapping on the handset. If prompted, press 55 to Make Yourself Heard and this will transfer your call to the police. Pressing 55 only works on mobiles and does not allow police to track your location.