This is a message from The Royal British Legion about how they will use your personal information, if you apply to them for support. In this article "we", "us" and "our" refer to The Royal British Legion. For information about how Lightning Reach uses your personal information, you can visit
We use your personal information to provide you with support.
We share your information only with your consent.
We will never sell your personal information.
To provide you with support, we use your personal information to:
Find out if we can help:
We use your information to see if you’re eligible for assistance from us. This includes checking your service in the Armed Forces, or your connection to someone who is serving or has served. To do this we take copies of service related documents (e.g. discharge papers) or birth, marriage, or death certificates. If you don’t have any service related documents, we can approach the Ministry of Defence to confirm the relevant service details. We ask for your consent before sharing your personal information. Some of our financial assistance relies on you being financially eligible. To check this, we need to know about your finances. This involves us taking copies of documents such as bank statements, pay slips, or benefits letters.
Find out how we can help:
If you’re eligible for our assistance, we use your information to find out how we can help. This means collecting information about your personal circumstances, either directly from you or from others you have allowed to share information with us. We collect information about your finances, housing, health and well being, social life, and employment or other activities you’re involved in. We offer a range of assistance, and it’s by asking for a range of personal information that we can discuss and agree the best ways we can support you. You don’t have to provide us with any information you don’t want to, but we may be limited in how much we can help you without certain information.
Provide help:
Once we’ve agreed how we can help, we use your personal information to provide that help. The information we use or share depends on the sort of assistance we’ve agreed with you. For example, to provide household goods we will share your name, address, and a contact phone number with companies we buy those goods from, so they can deliver them to you. If we are helping you with more complex needs, such as those related to mobility, we may share information about your health conditions or disabilities with providers of professional services (such as an occupational therapist).
You’re in control:
You have rights regarding how we use your personal information. You can ask us to stop using your information. Short of this, you can ask us not to use certain information, or not to share your information with certain organisations. You can request to see the information we hold about you, and have a right to have incorrect information changed. You can also ask us to delete the information we hold.
When you make a request to us regarding how we use your personal information, we will always try to do what you have asked. However, there are lawful reasons why we might not be able to fulfil your request. For example, if you have received a grant from us we might not be able to delete your information, as we need to keep records of how we spend charitable funds.
If you would like to make a request for any of the above actions, please submit your request to:
The Data Protection Officer
The Royal British Legion, Haig House
199 Borough High Street
London, SE1 1AA
Or email: [email protected]
Who uses your personal information:
Your information is used by our staff and volunteers, and others who work on our behalf (such as our Contact Centre team). There are different services available from the Legion. When we agree with you that our own services can help, we will share your information within the Legion, with staff in those services. When other organisations can help, and where you provide consent for us to do so, we will share your personal information with those other organisations.
How long we keep your personal information:
We keep your personal information only for as long as it’s needed. It’s initially needed so that we can assist you. After this, we need to keep your information in our records, to demonstrate that we have used charitable funds properly.
Find out more:
You can find out more about how we use your personal information by reading our Privacy Promise (found at: You can also speak with our representative if you have questions or concerns about how we use your personal information.
The data protection regulator:
Further information and advice about data protection law and compliance is available from:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane, Wilmslow
Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: +44 (0) 01625 545 745