ABTA LifeLine is ABTA’s charity for past and present employees of ABTA Members. They help provide support for the unexpected moments in life such as redundancy, relationship breakdown, accidents and bereavement among many other things.

ABTA LifeLine gives practical, financial and emotional assistance to travel colleagues that are really struggling, throwing them a LifeLine in their time of need.  

Below is a list of the main things ABTA LifeLine may be able to help you with. The list is not exhaustive. The support is flexible and tailored to best help you and your family. 


Emergency support 

If you are struggling to provide food for your family, they can help you with a voucher to spend on essential groceries and household items (not tobacco, alcohol or lottery tickets). 

Crisis grants

ABTA LifeLine may be able to award a crisis grant to help for a short time with rent, mortgage, council tax and utility bills. They pay suppliers direct on your behalf.

They cannot help with non-priority debt such as credit and store cards, payday loans etc. 

Benefit, budgeting and housing advice

With your consent they can refer you to their partner Citizens Advice (Manchester - CAM) who can give you expert advice on debt, benefits, housing and budgeting. They will provide you with options and help to manage your finances and in some cases take on benefit appeals. 

This advice is non-judgemental, confidential and will not affect your credit rating. 

Funeral costs

If you have not been able to secure State help with the costs of a funeral, in exceptional circumstances they can help with basic costs (excludes cars, flowers etc.).

Essential household appliances

ABTA LifeLine can help with the replacement of essential appliances including washing machines, fridge freezers and ovens. In some cases, they can also help with essential furnishings such as a bed, pots and pans, flooring etc. 

Support for your children

ABTA LifeLine can help with school uniform and equipment, including IT and other essential needs.

Counselling and wellbeing support 

ABTA LifeLine has teamed up with The Centre for Crisis Psychology (CCP) to provide you with mental health and wellbeing support; intervention when it really matters.

Eligible applicants will have direct telephone access to clinicians, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support them. 

Please note: If you are in need of urgent mental health attention please do visit the NHS webpage which has details of all organisations that can quickly help you including Samaritans, MIND, YoungMinds etc.